Talented guests

One of the nicest things about living on site is meeting guests and learning about their hobbies and interests. Over the years I’ve had musicians stay, the most memorable (and loudest) was a teenage trombone player who brought his trombone with him on holiday to practice. Fortunately he played quite well!

I’ve also been lucky enough to be the recipient of some excellent paintings done either here, or of things in the area. This summer, Beth Davies, who is only 13, spent some of her holiday doing some beautiful paintings of the flowers around the garden.

I think they are beautiful – and thanks to her mum Hazel for copying them and sending them to me!

Mont St Michel by Colin Warden

Another treasured picture was done by Colin Warden, who has stayed here a few times with his family in Les Chouettes.  For the last visit he presented me with a painting he did of Mont St Michel, which I had framed and it is now in pride of place on the wall of the living area of the farmhouse.

Any drawings, whether by toddlers or professional artists are always received very gratefully. Thankyou to everyone who has everyone who has painted at La Haute Mancelière!

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